Tuesday, February 3, 2015

1/26/15 Exam with Oncologist then 2/2/15 LAST INPATIENT CHEMO!

Labs looked good last week at the oncologist. Dr. Skinner said that my physical exam look great and no issues that she could feel or see. The plan was to get pre-medicated this past weekend and go in for our last inpatient on 2/2/15. Then we have two more weeks of just Taxol, the following week will be a CT scan. The following week with be another exam and get the CT results. We aren't expecting to see anything on the scan since it didn't show anything before surgery this go around. The plan is to stay on a 3 month physical exam rotation and put my on a twice a day medication. It is Tamoxifen which is typically used for breast cancer patients. Since my tumor was estrogen positive, this medication will block estrogen in my body. At our check-up, we were able to run down to the chemo room to see our buddies, the Riazzis. Always good to see our friends who are dealing with this same horrible cancer as we are.

This weekend was tough, all of the medications take a toll on me and Wil. One I have to take every 8 hours then the other ones I have to take every 6 hours. The steroids make me irritated, irrational, hungry, exhausted but not tired. Basically a hot mess for Wil to put up with!

Wil and I checked in at 7:30 am at Forsyth Medical Center for our last and FINAL inpatient chemo. After registration, we walked up to the penthouse (9th floor oncology) and our wonderful chemo nurse, Tonya was already waiting in our room! She is always on top of things and rides pharmacy's butt to make sure all of my meds are being made lickety split!

My mom came up for the infusion and I was able to see her for a little bit before I took my IV Benadryl nap. Ted, Wil's dad, brought us up some Chick-Fil-A for lunch. Tonya gave me more pre-medications around bag 8 of 12. The first 11 bags have small quanities of Carbo with the last bag infusing over 3 hours with the majority of the medication in it. Tonya was so wonderful to have as our infusion nurse! She left around 3:45 pm and Meredith took over again, another amazing chemo nurse! Our friends, the Riazzis came up to visit us after their infusion in the outpatient unit.

Meredith and my buddy, Kristin, tagged teamed the rest of our infusion. It all went fantastic and Wil and I were headed home at 7:30 pm, much earlier than previous infusions!

I have taken off the whole week of work to recoup since the last big chemo kicked my butt. My mom hung out with me today. Wil is going to work from home tomorrow. Then my sister, Lauren is coming up Wednesday night through Friday.

Wil and I feel so blessed to be in the home stretch with only 2 more chemo infusions to go!


Wil's view from the hospital room











1 comment:

  1. Dear sweet Katie, I just read your recent blog. I now sit here speechless and can barely imagine the miraculous faith and patience, courage and strength that you have in your soul. It is seldom that I am speechless, so there is a definite higher message coming through at this moment..."be still and know.... that I am God". Now turning to God and asking for His continued blessings over you and Wil and as your path takes another turn in this journey, I know He is walking with you and His healing hand rests in yours.
