Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Chemo 6C: LAST CHEMO EVER! (God willing)

When we first go to the waiting room, I saw Donna, she is in the GYN cancer support group with me. She always lifts my spirits and has a wonderful smile! I was so glad that I was able to see her that morning.

Labs looked good, hemoglobin was 10.3 and my ANC (mature white blood cells) was 1400. I was still cleared for treatment. They like it to be above 1500 for treatment but it's been worse before! April was our nurse and I got to sit in one of the fancy new chairs!

We also met George. Wil recognized a hat that he was wearing. It was for Carolina Cross Connection. This is camps in the mountains of NC that different churches go for mission trips. Wil went in high school and they go around to people in need to work on projects around their houses. George had a bag of goodies and snacks that he was always willing to share with patients around him. George was on his third chemo treatment and we are praying the rest of his treatments go smoothly!

Wil went to fill up our water bottles during treatment and was gone for awhile. When he came back, he told me that he ran into his girlfriend. Of course I knew who it was, Janice Moxley. I was able to see her once I got unhooked. Janice and her daughter, Goldie, make us smile and laugh!

Our friend Tracy surprised us with a visit and balloons!

Last, empty chemo bag!

Now for the big part of treatment, ringing the bell! Wil's family surprised us and were there for it with balloons. Wil and I both rang the bell since it wasn't around when we finished treatment last time.

We went out to a decorated car and came home to a decorated house! Thanks to everyone who has followed us on the journey and have been praying for us. We have a CT scan next week and meet with the doctor for the results and an exam on 3/2. I will post another update then! We are praying for a clear scan and exam and to be officially declared cancer free!

1 comment:

  1. Thrilled to hear of your last treatment, can't wait to hear more good news! Congrats :)
