Monday, January 19, 2015

Chemo 5C: Time with my sis-in-law

Something that a lot of people don't have to think about is being sick around a chemo patient. Even a small cold or the flu could land me in the hospital since my body can't fight it off as easily. My baby sister, Anna, was suppose to come to this infusion and we were both really excited about that! Unfortunately, she developed a sore throat and then a cough... then muscle aches. We all decided it would be best for her not to come. She ended up being diagnosed with the flu (despite getting the flu shot) so it was a really good thing we kept our distance.

It is such a blessing to have Wil's family so close to us. My sister-in-law, Holly, was able to come with me today. A big shout-out and thanks to my momma-in-law, Connie. She watched my two nieces so Holly was able to come to my infusion with me. I slept so hard in the chemo room that I forgot to take our picture today! Oops! I even caught myself snoring several times. This happens a lot in the chemo rooms, so I just fit in with the rest of the crowd. I was excited because I got to sit in a new chemo recliner! It was only one week old, had two side tables attached, and was much more comfy! It is the small things in life to be excited about. So I blame my snoring on the comfy chair.

My hemoglobin actually came up this week! I mistyped last week, it was actually 9.6 and today it was 10.4! And my ANC (mature white blood cells) was 1200! So above the 1000 mark where I am considered to be neutropenic. All that means is I have very low/minimal immunity levels. So these were both a big answered prayer. Thank you all for praying for this for us!

I thought I would share a story about how Wil and I met. It was through Holly, Wil's sister. She was actually my preceptor and trainer in ICU when I first graduated nursing school. Apparently she liked me enough to let me join the family and be stuck with me forever! I brought in a book for Holly to read when I was nearing the end of my training. At that point, she was just looking over my shoulder and had little to do. The book is called, "What's Your Poo Telling You." We deal with a lot of poop in the hospital world and this book was perfect. It was written by a comedian and a GI doc. It gives funny names for all the different types of poop and the scientific reasoning behind it. Holly read it in one shift and said "You would be perfect for my brother." Wil and I have the same sense of humor. That Christmas, Holly bought me the sequel, "What's My Pee Telling Me" and bought the first book for Wil. It has been love ever since   :)

Next week, no chemo but a check up with the doctor and labs. Thanks for checking in!

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