Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Chemo 5A: Inpatient chemo went amazing!

I know that I keep bragging on my boss and my work, but Susan (my boss) coordinated such an amazing thing for us. She had personalized bracelets made that say TeamKatie and Cancer Sucks on the other side. She brought them to all of the other NC centers and sent me a collage of pictures. It meant so much to me, especially since I only have worked at one of these other centers.

Early morning!
Our second to last inpatient chemo started bright and early. Wil and I packed just in case we had to stay overnight but we were praying to be able to come home when the infusion was over. Well, plan for the worst and pray for the best! It seemed to work! We were admitted at 7:20 am. I was accessed, labs were sent, then my pre-medications started. Around bag #8 out of #12, I got more pre-medications. This seemed to be the trick! No reaction at all! Wil and I were home by 8:30 that night. It was a long day but so worth it to be able to sleep in our own bed.

I try to get pictures of all of our nurses and visitors, but I missed a few this time! Jennifer McBride (friend and old co-worker from ICU) stopped by before her shift and Wil's parents brought us dinner. Thank you all for the continued prayers and support. It means so much to us both!

Julie brought us lunch!

Tonya (my main desensitizing day nurse!) and her lunch break!

Wil trying to get some work done

May look dirty but Kristin (friend and Nurse) brought us Oreo truffles! Yum!
Night time nurses!

Friend, Kim, from my GYN cancer support group. Love her!
Wil and I getting ready for discharge!!!

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