So I have started a blog. Seems weird to even say it. I like to think of this as my outlet, my journal, my way to explain the journey that Wil and I are traveling.
Beating cancer once was tough, but facing it again has its ups and downs. First of all, we know what to expect. Also, the surgery wasn't as extensive since they took most of my parts out the first go around (uterus, ovaries, tumor, part of my large intestines, and appendix). I am healing quicker, able to move around, less time in the hospital, and having to take less pain medication. I also have the chance to dye my hair again! You will have to stay tuned for that post and pictures. As my sister-in-law Holly said, "the unknown is always scarier." I have to agree with her on this point when it comes to chemotherapy. I know the drill, the routine, and the symptoms to expect.
Some of the downsides to knowing what is coming in the next six months, I know the drill, the routine, and the symptoms. We have been through the wringer before, and sometimes, it seems daunting to have to do it all over again. Wil and I have both learned to take it day by day, one foot in front of the other. We know that God provides for our every need, small and large. We have learned through these experiences to rely fully on Him.
This brings us back around to the benefits of cancer. Some of you may seemed confused, how can cancer be a blessing? It can be summed up in this verse:
Romans 8:28
28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
We have met amazing friends, have a closer relationship with each other and God, a better prayer life, another dog, and learned to rely on our family and friends in times of need.
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