This morning we embarked on our six month chemotherapy journey. We had an amazing birthday weekend celebrating with both sides of our family. Sunday morning, we even had family pictures done by Jason Steelman with Jade Rhys Photography. He has send me a few sneak previews and they look amazing! AFTER getting our family photos done, my sister Lauren gave me my birthday present. She dyed my hair again before it falls out. I get to look like a rock star for a few weeks. Since my natural hair color is so dark, we had to bleach all of my hair first. This was the painful part since I have a sensitive scalp (blame previous chemo, menopause, and some of the meds I am on), so it felt like my head was on fire. My patient younger sis helped me with it and we made it! There is mostly teal with hot pink and purple highlights. I absolutely love it! My sister is an artist for sure.
Since we were in the chemo room for 90 straight weeks, we became very close with the staff there. We definitely have our favorites, and we had one of the best today, LYDIA! We absolutely love her! She is so sweet, caring, and she can access my tilted port with ease. I get a lot of pre-meds before the chemo to help with nausea, stomach upset, steroids so my body can handle the poison, and IV Benadryl. The last one is what makes me feel drunk. I get tired, woozy, and Wil says you can see it in my eyes when I start to feel the affects from it.
Wil and I never wanted to have to fight this battle again but we know that God has a bigger and amazing plan for us. He had a wonderful idea to keep track of how God uses this experience to help others and/or bring glory to Him. This week we were sitting across from a wonderful lady, Eve. We met and found out that it was her last chemo! She hasn't met a lot of ovarian cancer survivors but I am encouraged that I get to be there for her as she starts her remission process. God truly is amazing!
We came straight home and I went to sleep. Feeling ok now, just sleepy. Hopefully the symptoms won't be too bad. I ate my jello that my wonderful neighbor, Anna, made me. Hit the spot! Until next round of poison! was so sweet to read what you wrote about brought tears to my eyes....I believe it's was in God's plan for us to meet....especially because we share the same birthdays!! We will kick cancers butt again and again and again if that's what it takes! God bless you and Wil as you travel down that chemo road both are in my prayers always!