My GYN cancer support group knows me well that I use my cancer card. Last go around, I used Cleaning for a Reason who reaches out to house cleaning companies and VIP Housekeeping cleaned our house FOR FREE during chemo. They are simply amazing, he even hand delivered a birthday card to me this year. I have gotten a free head wrap, teal bracelet, and more! My dad got tickets to the Steelers/Panthers game last night. My dad grew up in PA, so naturally I was raised with my terrible towel. Wil and I were a house divided last night but all in good fun. He found a shuttle for handicap parking, $20 and we were dropped off right at the stadium. I am trying to increase my walking but still not up for walking miles yet so this was a life saver! If you have ever been to a pro football game, you cannot bring bags in that are not clear. Of course, my momma had a HUGE SOLID bag with her and was told she had to put it back in the car. My mom then almost yelled, "Well my daughter has cancer!" The lady then said that she would tag her bag as a "medical bag" of which there was absolutely NO medical supplies in. Way to go mommy :) Mom and dad had seats on the 50 yard line, 9 rows up, Wil and I were in the lower level with awesome seats! We got home late but had an amazing time.
Labs this morning looked good so far. My white blood cell counts typically drop next week, so we are praying for good counts so I don't have to be on house arrest. Chemo today was just the one drug, Taxol and my pre-medications. The IV Benadryl gave me a nice nap while Wil was confined to a straight backed chair. Athena's Run had a bake sale today and we were able to snack on some homemade goodies!
So I'm an avid reader of It is a sight for girl's that has fun pictures, quotes, daily motivation, etc. They did a feature on me the past two years which helped us with our donations for the Athena's Run. The ladies there featured me again today and we are already seeing donations! I think it is a great way for our witness as well.
Here is the site:
Awesome update honey. Thanks for writing this.