Monday, September 29, 2014

God gives you chemo, you make it a party!

Like I have probably written before, Wil and I look for the good during this horrible diagnosis. My first chemo, we met Eve and her husband. She is a fellow ovarian cancer survivor. She just got the news that she is cancer free! She still has a lot to battle to recover but this is another answered prayer. She even stopped by the chemo room today!

God has also given us both a good sense of humor. We are able to laugh and joke, even while I'm being infused with poison! God decided that we needed to travel down this path again, and we look for the best in it! I focus on this verse a lot:

             Jeremiah 29:11- For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and
                                        not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Last Wednesday or Thursday, I could tell my hair was getting ready to fall out. It feels like a dull headache all over my scalp. It is uncomfortable since my hair follicles are releasing the entire root. On Friday, I found some of the roots attached to hair when I brushed it. Saturday, after brushing it to put it up in a ponytail, I had a huge handful of hair. Wil is always supportive when and where I want to do things like cut it off. I just wanted it done with, so we decided to do this yesterday and invite our families over. Since it was last minute, we were able to Facetime with some of my family which is a huge blessing. Wil's family was able to come over. His mom, Connie, has been battling with laryngitis. So since we didn't know how my immunity was, she played it safe and stayed at home.

Since before surgery, Wil has been growing his beard out. He has called it his protest beard, protesting against ovarian cancer. So instead of shaving his head this year, we buzzed his beard. He has had a beard for a few years now. After trimming it, he shaved it down to a goatee. We are debating what to do with it for the Athena's run on Saturday. I am voting for a fu manchu! You will have to show up Saturday to see what we decided!

Today was the last chemo of this cycle. I only had Taxol, which I tolerated really well last week. We are praying for the same this week. My white blood cell counts were amazing this week! I am so happy, this was an answered prayer for me and Wil. I wanted to make sure that my immunity was good enough to be around everyone for the race. We also got the news that I can go back to work on Thursday, I'm getting stir crazy!

It's not too late to join our team for the Athena's Run in Tanglewood Park this Saturday! This event is so near and dear to mine and Wil's hearts and we would love to see everyone there. Also consider donating, a large portion goes to research. Help us find a better detection system so that I can be better monitored in the future!


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

New Job, New Outlook

Wil and I are trying to focus on the blessings that God has given us the second go-around with cancer. To explain why my job is such a blessing, I have to explain why my last job wasn't great... at all.

So, taking us back two years ago.... my bosses visited me in the hospital, just a day after surgery, just a day after finding out that I had cancer. I barely remember this since I was on a pain medication haze. My boss, in my room, then started complaining about how they were now short staffed because I was out.... excuse me? That is the biggest of your worries?? I'm sorry, my biggest worry was fighting CANCER dude. This is just the beginning.

After speaking with my oncologist, I decided that I wanted to try to work part time during chemo. I was getting stir crazy being at the house recovering from surgery. I call my manager to discuss coming back to work and having Mondays and Tuesdays off since I got chemo on Mondays. She said there was no position for me part time. . . Again, I had to fight and fight and talk to doctors and superiors to be able to keep my job and work a schedule that was appropriate during chemotherapy.

There are many more stories I could tell about how difficult my old job made my life. I was already fighting for my life, I didn't want to have to fight for my job either. It was finally told to me that I could no longer take 4 hours off on Mondays for my clinical trial infusion... Straw that broke the camel's back. I interviewed for Ideal Image two weeks later. I was later told per HR that I was still allowed to take the time off for my clinical trial and they would stand up for me to my manager. The damage had already been done, why work for someone so hateful? That same day HR told me that, I got the phone call that I got the job from Ideal Image. Turning in my notice the next day felt amazing!

My job at Ideal Image is great; I love my co-workers (even though one is leaving me), my boss, my clients, and the work that I do. Tonight, I am focusing on my boss. Susan Pope is simply amazing. I called her after I got saw the oncologist and got the news that my cancer was back. She worked with my schedule before surgery and let me work whenever I wanted. She made sure that my schedule was covered and I had no worries about taking time off. I never hesitated to call her to update her on my progress, surgery, or plans to come back to work. I get texts just asking how I'm doing, edible arrangements on my birthday to cheer me up (along with my other Greensboro peeps!), and working with me for coming back to work. She is very busy but always makes time to talk to me when I drop by the office. You never could understand how grateful I am for her, she is a God send.

So, if you have a boss like mine, make sure to tell him or her what a great job they do. I know I could never say it enough, but thank you Susan for all you have done and will do for me! You are the best boss I have ever had and ever hoped I could have!!!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Chemo 1B: Panthers/Steelers, TheBerry, and my terrible towel

    My GYN cancer support group knows me well that I use my cancer card. Last go around, I used Cleaning for a Reason who reaches out to house cleaning companies and VIP Housekeeping cleaned our house FOR FREE during chemo. They are simply amazing, he even hand delivered a birthday card to me this year. I have gotten a free head wrap, teal bracelet, and more! My dad got tickets to the Steelers/Panthers game last night. My dad grew up in PA, so naturally I was raised with my terrible towel. Wil and I were a house divided last night but all in good fun. He found a shuttle for handicap parking, $20 and we were dropped off right at the stadium. I am trying to increase my walking but still not up for walking miles yet so this was a life saver! If you have ever been to a pro football game, you cannot bring bags in that are not clear. Of course, my momma had a HUGE SOLID bag with her and was told she had to put it back in the car. My mom then almost yelled, "Well my daughter has cancer!" The lady then said that she would tag her bag as a "medical bag" of which there was absolutely NO medical supplies in. Way to go mommy  :)  Mom and dad had seats on the 50 yard line, 9 rows up, Wil and I were in the lower level with awesome seats! We got home late but had an amazing time.

   Labs this morning looked good so far. My white blood cell counts typically drop next week, so we are praying for good counts so I don't have to be on house arrest. Chemo today was just the one drug, Taxol and my pre-medications. The IV Benadryl gave me a nice nap while Wil was confined to a straight backed chair. Athena's Run had a bake sale today and we were able to snack on some homemade goodies!
    So I'm an avid reader of It is a sight for girl's that has fun pictures, quotes, daily motivation, etc. They did a feature on me the past two years which helped us with our donations for the Athena's Run. The ladies there featured me again today and we are already seeing donations! I think it is a great way for our witness as well.
Here is the site:

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Oh the after effects of poison

Before I am pumped full of poison to kill the cancer within me, I get pre-medications to help my body handle the onslaught. Some of the infusions are a 3 day anti-nausea medication, high dose of IV steroids, and Benadryl. Unfortunately, today is the day that the anti-nausea medication really starts to wear off. I have pills that I take to help with the nausea. The steroids make me not be able to sleep well, but trying to combat that with Melatonin which helps to regulate sleep.

This is not an easy path to travel down but I am surrounded by many loving people to help me. I am so very blessed to have married a saint. It is never easy to see your spouse in pain or sick, but Wil handles it in stride. He wakes up in the middle of the night to turn the fan off and cover me in my down comforter because I'm freezing. Then just a few hours later, wakes up to turn the fan back on since I'm having a hot flash.

My mom is also staying with us to help out. While we were at chemo on Monday, she deep cleaned the entire house. Bathrooms were spotless, floors all cleaned, windows washed, bed made, flowers water, the list could go on! Now this cleaning frenzy started with Chick-Fil-A's new coffee, apparently it is super caffeinated! Not only that, my brother-in-law, Doug, came over after working all day to fix my broken washer.

Wil found this song the other day while listening to Pandora. I think it fits our story right now! I listen to it almost every morning. It is a great way to keep everything in perspective.

Monday, September 15, 2014

First and foremost: God and Chemo 1-A

This morning we embarked on our six month chemotherapy journey. We had an amazing birthday weekend celebrating with both sides of our family. Sunday morning, we even had family pictures done by Jason Steelman with Jade Rhys Photography. He has send me a few sneak previews and they look amazing! AFTER getting our family photos done, my sister Lauren gave me my birthday present. She dyed my hair again before it falls out. I get to look like a rock star for a few weeks. Since my natural hair color is so dark, we had to bleach all of my hair first. This was the painful part since I have a sensitive scalp (blame previous chemo, menopause, and some of the meds I am on), so it felt like my head was on fire. My patient younger sis helped me with it and we made it! There is mostly teal with hot pink and purple highlights. I absolutely love it! My sister is an artist for sure.

Since we were in the chemo room for 90 straight weeks, we became very close with the staff there. We definitely have our favorites, and we had one of the best today, LYDIA! We absolutely love her! She is so sweet, caring, and she can access my tilted port with ease. I get a lot of pre-meds before the chemo to help with nausea, stomach upset, steroids so my body can handle the poison, and IV Benadryl. The last one is what makes me feel drunk. I get tired, woozy, and Wil says you can see it in my eyes when I start to feel the affects from it.

Wil and I never wanted to have to fight this battle again but we know that God has a bigger and amazing plan for us. He had a wonderful idea to keep track of how God uses this experience to help others and/or bring glory to Him. This week we were sitting across from a wonderful lady, Eve. We met and found out that it was her last chemo! She hasn't met a lot of ovarian cancer survivors but I am encouraged that I get to be there for her as she starts her remission process. God truly is amazing!

We came straight home and I went to sleep. Feeling ok now, just sleepy. Hopefully the symptoms won't be too bad. I ate my jello that my wonderful neighbor, Anna, made me. Hit the spot! Until next round of poison!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Kicking cancer-Round TWO!

So I have started a blog. Seems weird to even say it. I like to think of this as my outlet, my journal, my way to explain the journey that Wil and I are traveling.

Beating cancer once was tough, but facing it again has its ups and downs. First of all, we know what to expect. Also, the surgery wasn't as extensive since they took most of my parts out the first go around (uterus, ovaries, tumor, part of my large intestines, and appendix). I am healing quicker, able to move around, less time in the hospital, and having to take less pain medication. I also have the chance to dye my hair again! You will have to stay tuned for that post and pictures. As my sister-in-law Holly said, "the unknown is always scarier." I have to agree with her on this point when it comes to chemotherapy. I know the drill, the routine, and the symptoms to expect.

Some of the downsides to knowing what is coming in the next six months, I know the drill, the routine, and the symptoms. We have been through the wringer before, and sometimes, it seems daunting to have to do it all over again. Wil and I have both learned to take it day by day, one foot in front of the other. We know that God provides for our every need, small and large. We have learned through these experiences to rely fully on Him.

This brings us back around to the benefits of cancer. Some of you may seemed confused, how can cancer be a blessing? It can be summed up in this verse:
                 Romans 8:28
28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

We have met amazing friends, have a closer relationship with each other and God, a better prayer life, another dog, and learned to rely on our family and friends in times of need.