Monday, July 18, 2022

Time for Surgery #4

I had my PET scan which didn't show any overtly cancerous spots. There are a couple of nodules that didn't light up like my cancer normally has. It did show that my intestines were still inflamed despite it being three weeks since I had been discharged from the latest bowel obstruction. 

So the plan is to have surgery on 7/26 with my oncologist, Dr. Skinner, and my general surgeon, Dr. Stuart. They will try to go in laproscopic in my upper abdomen first. If they are unable to get to my lower abdomen with the scope, they will have to open me up like my previous surgeries. I will have another bowel resection and take down of adhesions. The rest will have to be decided when they get in there and are able to visualize more. 

The risk for having to have a temporary or permanent colostomy or illeostomy increases with this being my third bowel resection. That is where they would have to divert my GI tract through a hole in my abdomen where a bag catches the stool. 

Again, my work family and boss have been simply amazing and supportive during this entire process. God placed me here for the perfect time. 

Recovery time will depend on if they are able to perform the whole surgery laproscopic or open abdominal. The likelihood of being able to get the scope to my lower abdomen is slim, as Skinner said - the miracle of miracles surgery. Worst case, in the hospital for 5-7 days with 6-8 weeks out of work. 

Adoption Unleases Purpose

Prayer requests:
1. For the God of miracles to allow this surgery to be the least invasive as possible. 
2. To keep me healthy until surgery (COVID cases are rampant). 
3. For peace for the pain of recovery (really not looking forward to it). 
4. For wisdom and guidance for my whole our medical team. 
5. For strength for Wil as my caretaker and shouldering a heavy burden during my recovery. 
6. For God to use us to be able to help someone else and point others to Him. 

1 comment:

  1. You are in our thoughts and prayers for a successful procedure with minimal issues.
