Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Chemo 6C: LAST CHEMO EVER! (God willing)

When we first go to the waiting room, I saw Donna, she is in the GYN cancer support group with me. She always lifts my spirits and has a wonderful smile! I was so glad that I was able to see her that morning.

Labs looked good, hemoglobin was 10.3 and my ANC (mature white blood cells) was 1400. I was still cleared for treatment. They like it to be above 1500 for treatment but it's been worse before! April was our nurse and I got to sit in one of the fancy new chairs!

We also met George. Wil recognized a hat that he was wearing. It was for Carolina Cross Connection. This is camps in the mountains of NC that different churches go for mission trips. Wil went in high school and they go around to people in need to work on projects around their houses. George had a bag of goodies and snacks that he was always willing to share with patients around him. George was on his third chemo treatment and we are praying the rest of his treatments go smoothly!

Wil went to fill up our water bottles during treatment and was gone for awhile. When he came back, he told me that he ran into his girlfriend. Of course I knew who it was, Janice Moxley. I was able to see her once I got unhooked. Janice and her daughter, Goldie, make us smile and laugh!

Our friend Tracy surprised us with a visit and balloons!

Last, empty chemo bag!

Now for the big part of treatment, ringing the bell! Wil's family surprised us and were there for it with balloons. Wil and I both rang the bell since it wasn't around when we finished treatment last time.

We went out to a decorated car and came home to a decorated house! Thanks to everyone who has followed us on the journey and have been praying for us. We have a CT scan next week and meet with the doctor for the results and an exam on 3/2. I will post another update then! We are praying for a clear scan and exam and to be officially declared cancer free!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Chemo 6B: Second to last dose!

Recovery from the last inpatient chemo was more tolerable. My mom was able to stay with me Tuesday during the day so Wil could go to work. I took the whole week off from work so I could sleep as much as I needed. Wil stayed at home with me on Wednesday then my younger sister, Lauren, came up Wednesday until Friday. It was a mini vacation for her from 2 kids, I guess I'm a little easier to take care of  :) 

My nausea was not pleasant but was controlled well with my medications. Mainly, I was battling with fatigue and lack of energy. I started feeling better around Friday and felt back to normal by Sunday.

 My labs this week were WONDERFUL, this may be inflated slightly because of all of the steroids that I was on last week though. My ANC (mature white blood cells) was 2700. This is GREAT! My hemoglobin was up to 10.3 as well. I will get them all checked again next week, so keep praying for them to stay up, especially with this nasty flu going around! We made our infusion this week with the Riazzis. They have been such wonderful friends and it makes the infusions more fun!

Wil moved our chemo recliners around. That way, the girls could sit together and the boys could talk while we slept! We thank our chemo nurses for letting us sit together and move around  :) You guys are simply amazing!

I think Tracy was rolling her eyes at the boys at this point

Tracy is my perfect match. Her hands are always cold and mine were on fire!
Lydia was our chemo nurse for our infusion. We may have gotten some looks but we were all laughing during treatment. Tracy and I of course took our Benadryl induced nap. Wil and I are looking forward to our last treatment next week. There is a bell now in the chemo room that you get to ring on your last infusion. We are planning on ringing it twice since it wasn't there for the first go-around!

The plan so far:
Infusion on Monday
CT scan on 2/26/15

Meet with Dr. Skinner on 3/2: get labs, exam, and CT results
Will start on oral Tamoxifen (estrogen blocker) for an indefinite period since my tumor was estrogen positive

Stay tuned next week for the finale of our treatment!

Mike, Tracy, April, Wil, Katie, Lydia.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

1/26/15 Exam with Oncologist then 2/2/15 LAST INPATIENT CHEMO!

Labs looked good last week at the oncologist. Dr. Skinner said that my physical exam look great and no issues that she could feel or see. The plan was to get pre-medicated this past weekend and go in for our last inpatient on 2/2/15. Then we have two more weeks of just Taxol, the following week will be a CT scan. The following week with be another exam and get the CT results. We aren't expecting to see anything on the scan since it didn't show anything before surgery this go around. The plan is to stay on a 3 month physical exam rotation and put my on a twice a day medication. It is Tamoxifen which is typically used for breast cancer patients. Since my tumor was estrogen positive, this medication will block estrogen in my body. At our check-up, we were able to run down to the chemo room to see our buddies, the Riazzis. Always good to see our friends who are dealing with this same horrible cancer as we are.

This weekend was tough, all of the medications take a toll on me and Wil. One I have to take every 8 hours then the other ones I have to take every 6 hours. The steroids make me irritated, irrational, hungry, exhausted but not tired. Basically a hot mess for Wil to put up with!

Wil and I checked in at 7:30 am at Forsyth Medical Center for our last and FINAL inpatient chemo. After registration, we walked up to the penthouse (9th floor oncology) and our wonderful chemo nurse, Tonya was already waiting in our room! She is always on top of things and rides pharmacy's butt to make sure all of my meds are being made lickety split!

My mom came up for the infusion and I was able to see her for a little bit before I took my IV Benadryl nap. Ted, Wil's dad, brought us up some Chick-Fil-A for lunch. Tonya gave me more pre-medications around bag 8 of 12. The first 11 bags have small quanities of Carbo with the last bag infusing over 3 hours with the majority of the medication in it. Tonya was so wonderful to have as our infusion nurse! She left around 3:45 pm and Meredith took over again, another amazing chemo nurse! Our friends, the Riazzis came up to visit us after their infusion in the outpatient unit.

Meredith and my buddy, Kristin, tagged teamed the rest of our infusion. It all went fantastic and Wil and I were headed home at 7:30 pm, much earlier than previous infusions!

I have taken off the whole week of work to recoup since the last big chemo kicked my butt. My mom hung out with me today. Wil is going to work from home tomorrow. Then my sister, Lauren is coming up Wednesday night through Friday.

Wil and I feel so blessed to be in the home stretch with only 2 more chemo infusions to go!


Wil's view from the hospital room