Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Halfway to the finish line!

We are officially halfway done with chemo! Only three more months to go. I had labs drawn Monday and we saw Dr. Skinner. She said that she was very please with my physical exam and that everything was looking good. My hemoglobin is slightly low which is causing me to get short of breath easily. My CA-125 has decreased slightly and is around 5 now, it was around 6-7. Again we can't really trust my cancer marker since a 1 point increase or decrease usually isn't much to make a fuss about. I am officially all healed from surgery! Very exciting news! Took longer than we were all expecting but God has His own timeline.

This weekend, we are preparing for inpatient chemo. I will be taking medications every 6 and every 8 hours starting Saturday morning. I have to wake up in the middle of the night to take them as well. So this usually leads to little sleep for both me and Wil. Since last round went so well, Dr. Skinner said that we can go home whenever the infusion is completed. We would much rather sleep in our own bed, even if that means going home late at night.

Last night I had my GYN cancer support where we had dinner and played dirty Santa. Let me tell you what, these ladies went crazy stealing over some purses and pottery! I always enjoy spending time with these ladies, women who can relate to what I am going through. We had a lot of laughs with some great people.

Me and Tracy Riazzi (one of the best!)

Our nurse navigator, Robin, explaining the rules

Our group leader in the middle, Teresa Ball. She does so much for our group and we love her dearly!

Jennifer being a goof with her bow

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