Monday, December 22, 2014

Chemo Round 4C: White blood cells not cooperating

I had my labs drawn today and we are not very excited about them  :(  My ANC (absolute neutrophil count) is the mature white blood cells that help your body fight off infection. My providers like this value to be over 1500 for treatment but the last couple of weeks mine has been 1000 (when steroids aren't affecting the values). I have been cleared to get treatment even though they were slightly lower than they wanted. Anything under 1000, I am considered to be neutropenic. This just means that I am more prone to getting sick or an infection. A common cold can send us to the hospital. To combat this, I will be getting a shot 24 hours after my chemo ended. It is called Neulasta which is a long acting shot that puts my bone marrow (where white blood cells are produced) into overdrive. I only had to have this shot once last time and was NOT a fan of the side effects. It helped my counts tremendously but 24 hours after getting the shot, it felt like I had been beaten with a baseball bat all over my body. I will get the shot at the cancer center tomorrow at 2 pm. This means that I won't be feeling great for Christmas Eve and for Christmas. I am taking some anti-inflammatory medications, Claritin, and Zyrtec to help combat the side effects. Wil and I will be traveling to Cary to see the Riegel side of the family for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. We changed our travel date to Tuesday, before the side effects set in.

The best part about chemo and was brightened this whole day was being able to get treatment with our buddies, the Riazzis! Mike even made sure that we were able to have seats next to each other. He had to pull some strings and our wonderful nurse, Allison, agreed to take both of us at the same time! She is such a sweetheart!

You may be wondering why I am posting this so late at night. I am absolutely exhausted right after I get my chemo, mainly from the IV Benadryl. I came home and took a power nap before going over to my in-laws for dinner and presents. I was still really tired at their house but once I get in bed, the steroids kicked in and I'm wide awake. I tried taking Benadryl pills to put me to sleep, didn't work. I then took an Ativan that my PA prescribed for when the roids keep me awake. Let's hope it helps soon!

We want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. We have so much to be thankful for, especially this time of the year when we focus on our Savior's birth. God sent his own Son, separated from Him and knowing the gruesome death Jesus would face at the end of His earthly life. This was all out of love for us so we could spend eternity with Him in heaven.

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