EVERYONE CALM DOWN! We are ok! Sorry I didn't post this on Monday. We were running errands and still recovering from the holidays.
Last week, on Tuesday, I got the Neulasta shot. The injection is placed the back of my arm and it stimulates my bone marrow. My counts start coming up within a day but will help longer as well. I was achy in my knees, hips, and back for about 6 days. Nothing really helps with it when the pain sets in. For some reason, taking Claritin/Zyrtec before and after the injection is suppose to help. I did this but still wasn't feeling amazing. On top of all of that, I caught a cold (viral only since I didn't have a fever). I am starting to get over it now, but have passed it onto Wil.
We were able to spend time with both sides of our family, minimally though since I spent most of my time in bed. Needless to say, we look forward to Christmas next year without chemo or shots or colds! Wil is an amazing caretaker, making sure that I was going to bed when I needed to rest and getting me whatever I needed.
We saw Alison (GYN Physician Assistant) and Dr. Skinner this Monday after getting my labs drawn. No chemo this week as it is our off week, just preparing for inpatient chemo on January 5th. My exam went well according to Alison. Labs were good, potassium was low again. 3.4 (normal is 3.5-4.5) and I'm taking 20 mEq once daily. So I just have to increase it back to twice daily. These are some horse pills though!
The plan for Monday is similar to the previous weeks. I will still be taking the pre-medications all weekend at all hours of the day and night. I will still get my regular IV pre-medications when I get admitted but they will re-dose me with them right before they start my Carbo. This way, they are hoping for the steroids/Benadryl/Pepcid to not wear off when the Carbo is infusing. Asking for prayers on Monday that the infusion goes well with no reaction!
It is weird to think that this time, 2 years ago, Wil and I were celebrating New Year's Eve in the chemo room. It was my very last chemo, or so we thought. God had different plans for us. We know that it will all work for our good, and we have already seen some good come out of all of this. This reminds me of my favorite verse: