Sunday, January 30, 2022

Faith Over Fear

 When we start looking into the future and try to rely on our own provisions, fear starts to take hold. I don't know what the future holds but I have an amazing God who does. He has promised me that he will give me what I need for each step of this journey. God has proven his love and provision time and time again over the last 9.5 years of this cancer journey. 

We have had to change our mindsets as we have transitioned into this maintenance phase of treatment. Over the last 1.5 years, we have been tied to my cancer markers, scans, and exams. Dr. Skinner has told us that we need a break and to enjoy life and try not to focus on the numbers as much. That is easier said than done sometimes. We are going to focus on whether or not I have symptoms, physical exams, and scans (that will be less frequent than when in active chemo). My cancer marker- CA125- keeps slowing raising but we are just monitoring it for now. 

The way my cancer works, as it is low-grade, is that is grows slowly. It is treated more like a chronic illness than the high-grade, or fast growing, cancers. I will always have to deal with this thorn in my side and be in and out of active treatment depending on what the tumors are doing. Right now, we are focusing on giving my body a break from the hard-core chemotherapy and enjoying life. 

My maintenance infusions having been going very well with minimal side effects. I have treatment once every 3 weeks. Wil is still able to go to my treatments with me which is a huge praise. I still get two premedications- oral Tylenol and IV Benadryl. I usually sleep a lot that day of the infusion and am a bit more tired for the rest of the week, but that is it as far as symptoms go. 

Now onto managing my GI issues... God had made our bodies so perfectly and when we start whacking away at it, it doesn't work as well as it once did. I've had three abdominal surgeries and two of them on my bowels. Since my last surgery, I've been dealing with what my friend Mae calls the "cha-chas." I have to eat like a toddler otherwise (and still happens regardless) I have diarrhea. I can't eat high fiber, whole wheat, most fruits and veggies, spicy food, beef, or pork. So like I said, chicken nuggets and french fries, just like a kiddo. This does get frustrating when I crave a salad, a crisp apple, steak, etc. My GI doctor does want to do a colonoscopy but this has to be timed right with my IV infusions since those can cause bleeding issues. 

For an update on our family since I last posted: We had an amazing Christmas and New Year's. We have all enjoyed the snow and sledding. Parker prefers to be pulled around in what Wil called her chariot, instead of having to walk or stand in the snow herself. 

Wilson started playing basketball at the local YMCA and Wil is the assistant coach. It has been fun for the whole family!

I also started a new job. I have an amazing colleagues, boss, and clinic! I am enjoying learning new services and techniques. It was hard to leave a job that I've been in for over 8 years but I am so glad that we did. Wil and I prayed long and hard and God fully answered our prayers with this position! 

Prayer Requests:

1. For effectiveness of my infusions and for many years of health ahead of us. 

2. For management and control of my GI issues. 

3. Praise for a wonderful new job and work family. 

4. Praise that our family was protected from COVID and Wilson's case resolved quickly and without symptoms. 


  1. I picked up the Forsyth Women magazine and was thrilled to see the photos of you with the article on your new place of employment…your photos are beautiful!

  2. Happy for you with continued prayers. Love you guys

  3. Praying for you Katie! Of course we pray for healing, but more importantly we pray that God will continue to use your faith to impact the faith of those around you. Thankfully I am one of those you have impacted! May God richly bless you today and everyday!

  4. Wow Katie your are a living testimony to our Savior’s mercy, grace and goodness!!! I love to “see” you at Forsyth and you glow with God’s glory. You are SO spot on as I strive each day to Let go and Let God!!
    May he continue to lead, guide and provide his goodness and love to you and your family !!!

  5. Thank you for the update! We continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Congratulations on the new job! It's a great way to start a Happy New Year!

  6. Katie & Wil, this Beth's brother Chuck. First I have to say I'm sorry, that's because Wil looks just like Ted. Also you are looking so good. I know it's been a struggle for the whole family. As you are doing, just let the Lord guide you. Please the time off and just concentrate on ya'll. Nita and I will add ya'll to our prayer list at our church. God bless you and keep you. Bye
