Thursday, February 25, 2021

Round 1 of 6, week 1 of 4

 Monday was our first chemo. I got some funny looks and stares, but to be expected with this fun hair! Wil was able to come with me to my first chemo.

Teal diva gifted me this awesome infusion shirt. It unzips right at the port site, whether it is on the right side or left side. It kept me warm and was a great thing to have, plus it was the perfect color. Thanks again, Shannon!

The nurse that accessed my port actually use to live on our same street! She drew labs which we had to wait for the results before they could hang my pre-meds. Wil and I are no strangers to waiting. The updated chemo room had much more comfortable chairs for Wil.

Then, we got the go-ahead to start my pre-meds. This is when I get my iv Benadryl nap. To decrease the risk of having neuropathy (numbness) to my fingers, I put cold pack gloves on. They feel like boxing gloves. So I needed Wil to help adjust my headphones, blanket, etc. While I was sleeping, the nurses told him since I was using the cold gloves and needed more help, he was allowed to come to all my infusions! This is a huge praise!

I've been tired and a little nauseated, but not terrible. I did get the flushed face for a few days, probably from the steroids. The kids have been sweet and Wilson extra snuggly. 

I go back to work Friday & Saturday. Thank you for all of the prayers & support.


  1. Love the hair!! You are such fun. 🤩

  2. Especially love the picture of you and Wilson. Prayers continue, and good luck with work these next two days!
