Thursday, February 25, 2021

Round 1 of 6, week 1 of 4

 Monday was our first chemo. I got some funny looks and stares, but to be expected with this fun hair! Wil was able to come with me to my first chemo.

Teal diva gifted me this awesome infusion shirt. It unzips right at the port site, whether it is on the right side or left side. It kept me warm and was a great thing to have, plus it was the perfect color. Thanks again, Shannon!

The nurse that accessed my port actually use to live on our same street! She drew labs which we had to wait for the results before they could hang my pre-meds. Wil and I are no strangers to waiting. The updated chemo room had much more comfortable chairs for Wil.

Then, we got the go-ahead to start my pre-meds. This is when I get my iv Benadryl nap. To decrease the risk of having neuropathy (numbness) to my fingers, I put cold pack gloves on. They feel like boxing gloves. So I needed Wil to help adjust my headphones, blanket, etc. While I was sleeping, the nurses told him since I was using the cold gloves and needed more help, he was allowed to come to all my infusions! This is a huge praise!

I've been tired and a little nauseated, but not terrible. I did get the flushed face for a few days, probably from the steroids. The kids have been sweet and Wilson extra snuggly. 

I go back to work Friday & Saturday. Thank you for all of the prayers & support.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Crazy, fun, colorful hair

These last two weeks have been such a whirlwind.

 Wednesday morning, Wil and I had chemo teaching at the cancer center. The education nurse, Amy, did an amazing job along with the pharmacist student. I got these cold mitts to wear when the Taxol infuses. This helps to decrease my hands getting the chemo which can cause (and did in the past) neuropathy. Feels like a dulled sensation. 

That afternoon, Wil drove me to get my second COVID vaccine. It was a quick and easy process. I got the Pfizer one. Afterwards, had a sore arm, slight full headache, and swollen lymph nodes. 

Saturday, Wil and headed to see my wonderful and talented sister, Lauren, to get my hair done before chemo. I have been growing it out for almost two years to be able to donate it again. 

The first step was to get my hair prepped for donation. I felt like Coolio and we all took a turn cutting some off !

Then Lauren and I got to have some sister time during the coloring progress. She kept it a secret what the final look would be. And as always, she did a phenomenal job! 

Prayer requests:
1. Praise for healing process with port already with minimal discomfort. 
2. Huge praise for very little side effects from my second COVID vaccine and ability to get it before chemo starts. 
3. Pray for peace and comfort during chemo on Monday. We go in at 10:30 and Wil is able to come with me for my first infusion. 
4. Pray for minimal side effects after chemo. 
5. Pray for us to see glimpses of God's goodness in each step of this journey. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Port-a-cath placement

 Yesterday, I went to Medical Park to get my port-a-cath placed. The port is a permanent IV access point in my chest. Since chemotherapy can cause tissue damage, it is safer for to have a port versus a peripheral IV. This allows me not to have to stay perfectly still while my infustions are running. 

Dr. Stuart placed my port yesterday. Wil was allowed to come with me since it was I was having a procedure. Dr. Stuart is the same doctor that did both of my bowel surgeries and is a family friend. We were in great hands there. 

Out from surgery, still groggy!

I'm sore but nothing bad, I haven't take to take anything more that Tylenol or Ibuprofen for the discomfort. It was an outpatient so we were home by 3:30 pm. I couldn't eat or drink after midnight so I was hungry, thirsty, and needed caffeine since I didn't get to have my morning coffee. 

My treatment plan is underway now. Thankfully, I get my second COVID vaccine today.  I am so greatful that I could have it done before chemo starts. My first chemo infusion will be next Monday (2/22/21). It will be 6 rounds of 4 weeks for Taxol and Avastin. I get the chemo week 1, 2, and 3. The 4th week, I don't have any chemo. If everything stays on track, I will be finished the end of July/beginning August. I am planning on just working 2 days a week during chemo. 

One of the chemos (Taxol) does make my hair fall out. This is the same drug that I had during both other rounds in 2012 and 2014. My younger sister, Lauren, is a cosmetologist and does amazing work. Wil and I are going to take a day trip this weekend to Cary to see her. That way she can cut and dye my hair before it falls out. Stay tuned for photos!

Wil and I are very blessed to have great health insurance! I know a lot of people have been asking what they can do to help us. I feel humble and overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support. 

My friend, Emma Hemphill, is still battling her cancer as well. It is tough going to through chemo but she does it with grace and leaning on God for strength far beyond her teenage years. If you would like to help, I have listed her GoFundMe page below. She still has a lot of treatments to go and donations would greatly help her parents and family.

Thank you again for the prayers and I have listed more prayer requests below. 

1. Praise for easy recovery from my port-a-cath placement and no complications. 

2. Pray that I get minimal side effects from the COVID vaccine. 

3. Pray for peace and comfort for Wil and me as there are no visitors allowed in the chemo room. He has been at every treatment right by my side. He will is still planning on driving me to be as close as he is allowed. 

4. Pray that this new chemo is effective and shows regression of the disease at my next CT Scan. 

5. Continue to pray for our kids (especially Wilson) as we navigate how to explain cancer and chemo to him. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Another fork in the road

 Thank you all for the outpouring of love, support, and mostly the prayers. 

We met with Dr. Skinner on Monday to go over the lab results and CT scan. What we have been praying is to see disease regression and for minimal side effects on the oral chemo. The praise is that my tongue has been slowly healing on the new mouthwash and is causing very little issues!

Unfortunately, there is a new area on the scan that has been growing. The way my cancer initially looks on the CT scan can be as normal abdominal tissue. Once it has been there longer, it becomes more apparant that it is cancer tissue instead of normal tissue. This the case for this new area in my omentum (the fat pad that protects your organs). My CA-125 (cancer marker) has been slowly increasing since the summer and did again this time as well. All of this points to the fact that it is time to move on to a new regimen. 

After much prayer, guidance from Dr. Skinner, and consideration, we decided to start IV chemotherapy. We were given options and will be starting Avastin (this prevents the cancer from making its own blood supply) and Taxol (which kills the cancer cells). I have had Taxol before and tolerated it and the Avastin will be a new therapy. I will have 6 rounds of 28 day cycle and will be getting a port-a-cath (permanent IV) placed. Then after the 6 rounds, I will (hopefully) stay on maintanence dosing of Avastin. 

We are still in the process of scheduling everything and are unsure of the timeline at this point. I will do my best to update the blog as much as possible, especially for specific prayer requests. 

Prayer Requests:

1. Praise that my tongue is healing. 

2. Praise that I will be able to get my 2nd COVID vaccine before starting chemo. 

3. Pray for guidance as we try to explain all of this to the kids, especially the visible aspect of me losing my hair. 

4. Pray for the effectiveness of this therapy. Pray for a miracle that this will rid my body of this cancer. Pray for minimal side effects and ability to be a wife, mom, and nurse during this time.