This is slightly belated, so sorry for the lapse in writing!
I had my repeat Ultrasound on my thyroid in March and followed up with my endocrinologist the next week. My blood levels all looked good. And the medicine is working! The cysts have shrunk and my thyroid hasn't grown any bigger. So we don't have to go back to see him for another 6 months.
The following week, right before our vacation, I had my 3 month check up with my oncologist, Dr. Skinner. My labs looked good and my exam was completely normal. I am officially "no evidence of disease" for a year!
We talked with Dr. Skinner about getting my port-a-cath out. This is the permanent IV that is sewn into my right chest wall. One side of the stitches busted almost 3 years ago and has been hard for the nurses to access since then. Other than that, it really hadn't been bothering me until lately. The catheter is tunneled over my right collarbone and that is starting to get irritated just with the neck of my shirt rubbing on it. I have twinges of pain once in awhile in my chest wall too. Dr. Skinner said that if it is bothering me, we can take it out!
This feels like the turning of the chapter, or closing the book. We are scheduled to get my port out this Friday, the 15th. It will be done outpatient at Forsyth Medical Center in Interventional Radiology. I will consciously sedated (like they do for your wisdom teeth). Dr. Skinner said I will probably be sore for a few days, but that is it!
Wil thinks I'm weird, but I am going to ask if I can keep my port. Wil said that he can get it made into a paperweight or something for me :) It has been a part of my body for 3 1/2 years now!
After we got all of that good news, Wil and I went on our 5 year anniversary cruise. I am sure you saw the photos... we are ready to go back already! It was an amazing trip and we met some pretty amazing people! The Tortu's are like a second family to us now, even if they are Yankees.
Thank you all for your continued prayers for good health!
Katie, I'm so happy to hear your portacath is finally coming out and you & Will went on vacation! Yes things are constantly improving and will continue for you! So glad to hear about your blood levels and thyroid. May God continue to bless you both! Love you!