Sunday, October 18, 2015

What's new in the life of the Warrens

It has been a little bit since I have posted, so here is the update for us. My 6 month check up at the oncologist went really well! My exam looked good and my lab results were are normal. I am still on the Tamoxifen twice daily to block any estrogen, which feeds my cancer. This drug actually started to give me horrible joint pain. The pain was the worse in the morning and in my ankles. When I got out of bed in the morning, it felt like I was walking on two broken ankles. Unfortunately, the oncologist said this is a known side effect from Tamoxifen. Ibuprofen, Aleve, Tylenol, massages weren't working. The oncologist didn't have any other options. So I tried acupuncture, and after only one session, I was feeling amazing! I couldn't believe it! Keoni Teta is now my naturopathic Doctor. He does my acupuncture now only once every three weeks. I am on some herbal supplements to help my joint pain as well. Wil calls him my witch doctor but all in a joking matter. We are throwing any and everything at this cancer to keep it away for good.

So what a surprise, this isn't the only kink in my health lately. Right after my 6 month follow up, I had my yearly exam by my primary Doctor. He saw that my thyroid was enlarged and sent me for an ultrasound. My lab functions were normal but I was diagnosed with a multicystic goiter. Dr. Hess believed that my thryroid got a lot of chemo in the last three years, so to be able to continue to put out the same amount of hormones, it made itself bigger. I went to an endocrinologist, who Wil and I both love, Dr. Trujilio. Wil loves his accent (he is from Columbia) and could listen to him all day. He said that one of the cysts could be ok or could be bad, but is too small to biopsy. So I was started on Synthroid to take some of the pressure off of my thyroid to produce it. I will have a repeat ultrasound in another 4 months. The cyst is 0.9 cm right now and they don't biopsy until 1 cm large. Since starting the Synthroid, I have more energy!

Thank you for the continued prayers and all who came to the Athena's Run this year!

1 comment:

  1. Your an amazing woman. We pray for you daily and wish you all the best!
