Sunday, November 9, 2014

Getting ready for Desensitizing- Inpatient Chemo

    Tomorrow will be the big week for chemo, both the Carboplatin (the one I had an allergic reaction to) and Taxol. I had to take pre-medications starting Saturday morning. I am taking 20 mg of Decadron and 50 mg of over-the-counter Benadryl every 6 hours. Then every 8 hours, I am taking 300 mg of Tagamet. The Decadron is my steroids and a high dose of it. So even though I'm taking Benadryl, which usually knocks me out, I have not been sleeping at all. I am having to take medications during the night, 12 am then 2 am. I woke up a little late for my 2 pm dose but have been awake since 2:45 am. I have tried twice now to take a nap and no such luck.

Just to give you an idea, this was the handful of pills I had to take this morning.
Some are my regular medications and calcium gummies, and some are my pre-medications.
And yes, I do I have a pill box!

To recap what the game plan is for the next two days:
    We will go to Forsyth Medical Center (where I use to work and have had both of my surgeries) at 7:30. I will go to outpatient admitting and get a bed on the oncology floor on the 9th floor. Our PA told us to expect the infusion to start around 9 am. I had my labs drawn last week, so I don't have to wait for those. It just takes awhile to get to the room, admission paperwork, IV medications mixed, and my Port-A-Cath accessed.
    We will have just one nurse assigned to me so she will always be in the room. This will help for me to be closely monitored in case I have another allergic reaction. The goal of this is to "sneak" the Carbo into my system without my body noticing and having a reaction. It will be a small amount of Carbo to a lot of fluid.
    I will also get my Taxol in the hospital so I won't have to go back into outpatient chemo room for that. I will still get my regular IV pre-medications.

    I will do my best to keep everyone updated on the progress from tomorrow. Not sure if the IV Benadryl will knock me out or not. We shall see. We both would appreciate prayers to make sure I don't have another anaphylactic reaction. Also for Wil and I both to get sleep while spending the night in the hospital.

1 comment:

  1. Sending prayers your way and hope all goes well and that you guys are able to rest... Love ya'll and stay strong....:)
