Sunday, December 29, 2024

Long time, No post

Wil had to remind me that the last time I posted was in August before surgery. 

Surgery to remove the tumor by my bellybutton went really well. It was amazing to be home before noon. Recovery went well and it was nice to be able to have a "chemo vacation." We skipped one cycle and my energy was better and my nerve pain (neuropathy) in my feet had a break. 

Chemo started back up on 10/7 and back to the normal routine of treatment every 3 weeks. 

This chemo can affect your eyes, so I'm followed by an opthalmologist every 6 weeks. At my last exam in November, it showed my mild cataracts had started to get worse. My doctor told me I had maybe 6-12 months before I would have to have surgery to fix them. These are caused from all the steroids I'm on (eye drops to protect them from chemo, oral before chemo to prevent an allergic reaction, and IV right before chemo). 

I noticed that my far and near vision had gotten significantly more blurry a week after my last chemo on 12/9. I figured my eyes were just really dry again, which is a common side effect from this chemo. 

I saw the opthalmologist this past week and found out that it wasn't dry eyes causing the blurry vision but the cataracts. They are now a grade 3 out of 4. My far vision with my glasses went from 20/25 6 weeks ago, to 20/200 and I'm no longer able to drive. 

The plan is to have my right eye fixed and then the left eye operated on 2-3 weeks later. Unfortunately, the first available pre-op appointment isn't until 1/23 and won't know a surgery date until pre-op is completed. The good news is that once the cataract is removed and an artificial lens is placed, there is no chance for the cataracts to come back. 

I met with my oncologist PA Friday to go over the plan for chemo. I was due for chemo on 12/30 but all chemo is put on hold until both cataract surgeries are completed. Oncology is going to try to expedite the pre-op and surgery dates so chemo can resume as soon as possible. 

I got reading glasses to help at work and seeing my phone, even with the font size being huge like a Granny's. I love reading but books are hard to read even with a bright reading light and glasses. Watching TV is basically just listening to it right now. Thankfully, I have my audiobooks on Audible! 

On 12/20, our family was able to celebrate my in-law's 50th wedding anniversary. Ted and Connie took us all out to a fancy dinner on the actual anniversary. We all got dressed up and enjoyed good food and fellowship. We are so blessed that our kids get to grow up seeing the love and commitment of this marriage. 

The next day, I started feeling like I had a cold and thought I had just picked up Parker's cooties. It ended up being COVID that kicked my butt. Since I'm high risk, I was able to get Paxlovid but those meds make your mouth taste like a garbage truck. I tried quarantining from the family but Wil still ended up getting it too. Thankfully we are all on the mend now and both kids never got it. 

That meant that we didn't travel, see family, or go to church around Christmas at all. So it looked different this year but we were able to keep this from spreading to others. 

How to help pray for us: 

1. For oncology and opthalmologist to work together to get my surgery scheduled quickly. For peace in the waiting, especially while chemo is on hold. 

2. For my vision to not continue to worsen as we wait for surgery. For the headaches and eye pain to be more manageable. 

3. For our family logistics and scheduling since I can't drive for the time being.