The infusion on 5/6/24 was with Cody and we did the slowest inflation rate with no problem and increased to the medium rate. Then I started having hiccups and then the cough. The infusion was stopped and I got a breathing treatment which resolved the side effects. We were able to complete the infusion afterwards at the lowest rate.
The great news was that my cancer marker (CA125) continues to show progrss and decrease.
5 days following chemo, I was able to complete a 5k in under my goal time of an hour - 49 mins. I did a 3 min jog and 2 min walk. Wil and Wilson ran the whole thing and Wil circled back to finish with me. I did end up getting a soft tissue knee injury afterwards but that is nursed back to health now with the great care of neighbor, friend and PT- Michelle.