Saturday, June 29, 2024

Find a chemo that works on your tumors, you HOLD on to it

I have had three infusions since my last post.

The infusion on 5/6/24 was with Cody and we did the slowest inflation rate with no problem and increased to the medium rate. Then I started having hiccups and then the cough. The infusion was stopped and I got a breathing treatment which resolved the side effects. We were able to complete the infusion afterwards at the lowest rate. 

The great news was that my cancer marker (CA125) continues to show progrss and decrease. 

5 days following chemo, I was able to complete a 5k in under my goal time of an hour - 49 mins. I did a 3 min jog and 2 min walk. Wil and Wilson ran the whole thing and Wil circled back to finish with me. I did end up getting a soft tissue knee injury afterwards but that is nursed back to health now with the great care of neighbor, friend and PT- Michelle. 

The next treatment on 5/28 went even smoother. We kept it at the lowest rate, which meant we were here open to close but no allergic reaction at all. The same happened for the treatment on 6/17.

We've had a lot happen with our family in the last month and a half. 

Wilson finished 1st grade at Calvary Day School with some amazing teachers. Wilson ended his coach pitch season with Wil as his head coach and made it to All-Stars! The tournament was in the NC mountains a week ago and was an awesome family vacation. Wil's parents and niece- Daphne- were able to come for the first part. My parents were able to make it for the second part. The boys held their own with teams that have been playing for years together and stacked with travel team players. They made it to the winners bracket and lost to the team that ended up winning it all. Wil did great as the first base coach and lost his voice a bit. It was a blast! 

Parker graduated preschool (she will still go through the summer). Parker turned 5 and had her water party at the house. She had a blast and loved opening all of her presents. 

Parker decided to miss her last Quickball game to stay at the All-star tournament. She loved cheering not only Wilson on but her daddy too! Here are some pictures from the last game she played, she had teachers and their families come to cheer them on!

We will be waiting 4 weeks instead of 3 for the next round so we can go to the beach with Wil's side of the family. We are going to Holden Beach which is our happy place. The next CT scan will probably be after this next round. Since I'm allergic to the CT contrast, it is more grueling on my body since I have to premedicate and then deal with the GI upset afterwards as well. 

Prayer requests: 
1. Pray for the chemo to continue to work, for my counts to decrease and tumors shrink. 
2. Pray for the side effects from chemo- mainly the fatigue and the neuropathy. 
3. Praise my neuropathy pain is now minimal using medication and acupuncture. 
4. Pray for endurance- chemo every three weeks is tough on our whole family. Also knowing that this treatment is indefinite (as long as it is working and side effects are managed) is daunting some days.