Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Tube free!

We met with international radiology at the beginning of February to see what the process of removing my Gtube would be. My biggest concern was if we removed it, would I be able to get another one placed if I start having bowel instructions again. The good news is that my stomach has already been moved into place and putting another Gtube in would actually be easier. 

On Leap Day, we celebrated getting my Gtube out. This was an outpatient procedure and the PA told me they would silver nitrate the rest of my granuloma, and recommended that I use the numbing cream that I used from work for prior silver nitrates because they don't numb at all. 

I've started a program to try to run a 5k in May at our church. So Wil and I went to the gym and began the day running (Wil much further than I). Then I had acupuncture before the afternoon of getting my tube pulled. 

For some reason I was more nervous about this procedure than some of my other surgeries, I guess the unknown is always scarier. So I took some Xanax that I had to help calm my nerves, and boy did it calm me down.

The g-tube was only held in by a plastic dome, and if you pull on it with enough pressure it just comes out. So when they started pulling I felt like I was being levitated off of the table, but it came out. It was uncomfortable in the silver nitrate hurt more because of how far down they did they chemical burn. 

There is the table after the procedure. My Xanax hit me all at once and I don't remember much of the afternoon. We visited my friend in the hospital. On the way home, I insisted that Wil stop and get me every flavor of Sweet Tart rope he could find. Where I then saw someone from church while I was waiting in the car, of which I don't remember much either. 
I had chemo the next Monday which went well. My neuropathy started acting up again and so Debby my symptom management NP, increased my Lyrica to three times a day. It was also time for another CT Scan. Since I'm now allergic to the IV dye, I have to premedicate with Benadryl and Prednisone. 

The following week was Wilson's spring break. We were able to do lots of fun things, High Point children's museum, fishing and mountain bike riding with Wil, and just playing around the house. 

Last Saturday, the boys ran in the St. Leo's 5k. Wilson won first in his age group, 30:21, he ran without stopping! Then Wil ran the 10k right after and he won 3rd in his age group! 

We met yesterday with Dr. Skinner to get the CT results and for chemo. Praise report that the CT scan results continue to show that tumors are getting smaller. One area on the outside of my abdomen near belly button is more consolidated and distinct which is something they will just keep an eye on and if it doesn't respond to treatment may consider surgery to remove. GTube site is still healing, doc put some more silver nitrate on it which makes it pretty sore now. 

My blood marker, CA125, came down again, which is in line with what the CT scan showed. I'm recovering this week

Prayer Requests: 
1. Praise for chemo continuing to work and decrease tumors. 
2. Pray for protection from neuropathy pain and for healing from Gtube site. 
3. Pray for bellybutton tumor to not cause any issues and stop growing and not need surgical removal. 
4. Pray for endurance for me and my family during this grueling, every 3 week treatment cycle. 

ADDENDUM: As I was getting ready to post this blog update, I was admitted to the hospital for an infection around my tube site. It got super red, hard, and painful after getting the silver nitrate done. Was getting IV antibiotics but started having an allergic reaction to it this morning. Those are on hold until we get the CT scan results. The scan is to determine the depth of infection to see what the plan of treatment will be; could be just draining it bedside and oral antibiotics. These results will also dictate how long I need to be in the hospital. 

Thankfully, my in-laws are able to help with the kids so Wil slept with me at the hospital. 

Please pray for quick healing of the infection and to get home soon.