Then about a week later, I started having pretty severe pain. I was trying to just stay at home but that wasn't going to happen. Our kids were already spending the night at Wil's parents' house, so we started packing our bags and heading to the local ER around midnight.
I snuck a picture of Wil of how he was trying to sleep that night, in two straight backed chairs with travel pillows and blankets. He never complains and just tries to get rest when he can.
I was transferred to the big hospital and placed on the women's floor, where I was when I was recuperating from my first two surgeries. I had excellent care here and was able to visit a friend down the hall who is on bedrest- waiting for her baby to be born.
Dr. Skinnner came to talk to us about options while we wait for the new chemo to start working. Since I had three obstructions in one month, two requiring hospitilizations, we decided to stay on a full liquid diet to put less strain on my bowels. You don't realize how much of our social lives revolve around food until you can't partake in it. The plan is to stay on the liquid diet until I get my first scan to evaluate how the tumors are doing around my intestines. This will be after 3 rounds of chemo.
The good news is that we were still able to go to Holden Beach with Wil's parents and aunt and uncle for a full week. We weren't sure if we would be able to go, or if we would have to leave early for another obstruction, but the Lord provided a wonderful week of rest and relaxation.
My skin has fully healed, so I was able to enjoy walking on the sand, being in the sun, and getting in the pool.
We met a wonderful family that was renting the house next to ours who had 4 kids. Wilson and Liam looked like twins playing in the water and boogie boarding together. The girls loved just playing in the sand. Wil and I got some baby snuggles in with Ollie who is only 6 months old. Kelly and JT even let us know on the last night that the turtle nest outside our houses was going to hatch! So we got to watch it together.
It was in 2010 the last time that we were able to witness the hatching, so this was a huge blessing!
The Monday we got back from the beach was time for my first infusion of Elahere, my targeted chemotherapy. I received the normal pre-medications for nausea, Benadryl, and steroids but I was getting really nauseated during the infusion. They had to give me some IV Phenergan and Pepcid to help.
I have never thrown up from chemo (which is saying a lot for 11 years of treatment) until this week. It was a really tough week with trying to do the full liquid diet and being constantly nauseated. I was living on a supply of lemonade and Sprite as that was all that sounded appealing.
It has been about a week and a half since my infusion and I'm finally starting to get an appetite back (with the help of some steriods to boost). These infusions will be once every three weeks and hopefully will be changing around some pre-meds for next time to make the side effects more manageable.
I'll be getting infused on 9/5 since the clinic is closed for Labor Day.
Wilson also started 1st grade last week. We met with his teacher to give her a heads up with all of our backstory and she was very receptive. He has had a great start to the year and loves Mrs. Hudnall! We are blessed to have this teacher working with him and loving on him while he is at school.
Prayer Requests:
1. Praise for a wonderful beach trip and being able to see the turtles hatch.
2. Pray for the side effects to be more manageable for the next chemo- less nausea/vomiting and fatigue.
3. For strength and endurance for our whole family during this rigorous treatment schedule.