Thursday, September 16, 2021

Starting Round 8

 Round 7 is completed and started the first week of Round 8 this week. We met with Dr. Skinner on Monday. My cancer markers were both down and my exam was good as well. 

The plan is to do a 3 week cycle this round instead of 4 weeks. We planned a family vacation to the beach on what would have been my off week on the 4th week. That got all messed up when a few rounds ago, my counts were too low for treatment and it was held for a week. We are still going to the beach and just will miss one week of Taxol. Next Monday, I will get the Taxol infusion then the following week will be off and enjoying the beach. October 4th, we will start the last month of active treatment. After that, we will transition into just the Avastin every 3 weeks. 

My nails have been an issue for the last few months. They are coming off of the nail bed. I keep gel polish on them (that I do myself) to harden them to prevent them from bending and breaking. They are sore most days. Taxol is causing this and hopefully will resolve. 

I was also able to get my COVID booster shot on my off week. That night, I had the sweats and had a headache for about a week. I feel back to normal now!

We were able to celebrate my 35th birthday at the local baseball game- the Winston-Salem Dash. We had a suite, lots of food, and fellowship. Thank you for all the texts, cards, and messages for my birthday! I was surrounded by love! Wil surprised me with flowers at work the day before my birthday. 

I went to see my GI specialist this week as well. I'm on a lot of medication and it is trial and error a lot of days trying to manage swinging between constipation and diarrhea. The plan with my medical history is to do a colonoscopy in December, after I have had some time to recover from finishing chemo. 

Prayer requests:
1. Praise I was able to get my COVID booster shot and tolerated it well. 
2. Pray for my cancer markers to continue to decrease and CT Scan to show improvement. 
3. Pray for a good week off at the beach. 
4. Pray for some relief from my nails and GI upset.