They are able to use my port (my permanent IV in my chest) for the scan, saves my poor arms from a stick. I haven't trimmed my hair in a couple of weeks so you can see, I still have some but it is really thin. My eyebrows and eyelashes are basically non-existent at this point.
The CT scan showed the one nodule that could be felt on the physical exam is completely gone, the chain of tumors in my bladder wall and around it have shrunk, and the area in the front of my abdomen is smaller.
We were given the option of doing three more rounds of the Taxol and Avastin or changing to just the maintenance Avastin infusion. After discussing it with Dr. Skinner and prayer, we decided to continue with the Taxol and Avastin for 3 more months.
The goal of my treatment is to knock my cancer down for as long as possible knowing that it will rear its ugly head again. Then we reassess and go back into active treatment to knock it back down. There are still a lot of treatment options in our arsenal for the future.
Obviously, our prayer had been to be done with the Taxol but are so very blessed to have a treatment that is working. There are many we know that aren't in our same boat.
With my IV iron and hemoglobin coming up, I have had more energy and felt better. I have been trying to jog and walk. It is slow as a turtle moving through peanut butter - but I'm moving! I love my new shirt from Emily at Fleet Feet!
Prayer requests as we continue treatments:
1. Praise for a wonderful medical team (Dr. Skinner, Rachel our pharmacist, our chemo nurses, Dr. Skinner's nurse and assistant- Debbie and Tesha) . For handling everything from chemo and side effects to insurance approvals to all of my paperwork.
2. Pray for endurance for the months ahead for me and our whole family. Especially pray for Wilson as he has been praying for us to be done with treatment and Mommy's hair to grow back.
3. Pray for my white blood cells to stay up and for me to continue to tolerate chemo well.
4. Pray for us to see glimpses of God's goodness in this journey.