Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Two Rounds and two months down

The last month has been a whirlwind of activity. We were able to celebrate Easter and Jesus' ressurection together as a family. Wil used the drone to take a family photo and we figured out that Parker is scared of it! We all had fun hunting for Easter eggs in the yard enjoying the beautiful weather. 

Wilson has started his Quickball games and is loving it. Wil is able to be out on the field to help the team out. They both love it and are having a blast!
During my 4th week of my chemo cycle, I have off and tend to feel pretty well since I don't have poison running through my system. Wil and I were abe to get away for a few days to Wrightsville beach to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary.

My buddy Emma and I are making Chemo Care Kits to pass out for peds and "old people" (as Emma calls me). The bags contain things that we find useful to have or use during chemo. We were able to make almost 50 bags for kids and adults through donations from friends and family. Just waiting on a HUGE donation from Headbands for Hope before they are completed. 

Update on treatments now: 
My cancer markers are moving in the right direction. I will be having a CT scan on week 4 of this cycle to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. I had a pretty tough time with severe heart burn/GERD episode after week 3 chemo last time and the nosebleeds are still coming but are more of an annoyance than severe. 

Prayer Requests:
1. Praise for cancer markers decreasing. 
2. Pray for the CT scan to show that my current chemo treatments are working and the tumors are shrinking. 
3. Pray for no more episodes of heart burn/GERD.
4. For my friend Emma Hemphill also continues to battle cancer.