Sunday, November 22, 2015

How to grow a family without your lady bits

We have let some people in on our secret, we are in the process for adopting! Yay, right?!?!

This was a journey that actually started April 2014, after my first bout with cancer but before my second round. I am going to be doing a series of posts on the subject of adoption, so stay tuned! I figured I would go ahead and answer some common questions that we get.

1. Where are you adopting from?
We are with an agency that does domestic infant adoption only. So, our baby can come from anywhere in the United States.

2. How old will your baby be when you can take him/her home?
Typically it is straight home from the hospital but we are open to up to 12 months.

3. Will you have a closed, semi-open, or open adoption?
Our agency only does open adoptions. (We will come back to this topic later for another post)

4. Did you request a boy or a girl?
We don't have an option to request this. The agency has a good point that if you are requesting a girl, the ultrasound tech and doc think it's a girl, but then is born a boy.... Gets a little tricky.

5. How does the process work?
Stay tuned :) This is a long response that will be it's own post.

This whole journey started actually in December of 2013. We started researching different agencies. We tried one Christian agency in Raleigh but was sadly disappointed with them. The director told us that she needed a letter from my oncologist stating that I would never get cancer again. This hurt for many reasons. First, why does my diagnosis mean that we can parent? Secondly, NO doctor or medical professional would write a letter stating that. As Wil told the director, "A doctor wouldn't write that for me, I could get cancer of my foot tomorrow!" So needless to say, that agency was crossed off the list. We cannot go through the state (foster to adopt) until I have been cancer free for 5 years. We didn't want to have to wait that long to just START the process.

We ended up with Independent Adoption Center in Raleigh. They have offices all over the country. You can see our profile here:

Wil and I feel so blessed to be able to be "live" again (our profile is back in circulation and online). We know that God has the perfect birthmother and baby waiting for us. We can't wait to see where this road takes us. Thank you all for your kind words and support over the years. It is so precious to us.

Again, stay tuned to learn more about adoption and our journey!