Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Remission, once again

Sorry this took so long to post! I haven't had any steroids, so no more being up at 2 am with nothing on the DVR to watch. I have been busy at work and tired when I get home. It took months last go-around for my fatigue to get back to normal, so we are expecting the same this time.

I started on Tamoxifen, an oral pill that I take twice a day. It is an estrogen blocker since my cancer is receptive to estrogen. The only side effect so far is more hot flashes, which come on fast and some make me feel like I'm going to puke. Tolerable overall though, I've had worse!

I have to get my potassium checked in a couple of weeks since it was still low last time we saw the doc. I'm still on 40 mEq twice a day, for those who have taken them before, they are HUGE pills.

Right now, Wil and I are focusing on eating healthier and working out more. I have gained over 55 pounds since the start of chemo. We decided that I was going to eat what I wanted, and the 'roids wanted carbs and sweets. So now we are working on getting it off!

I will try to post photos soon! Thank you all for the prayers and support. They have meant the world to us!